Stairlift rental in Ireland
Do you need short-term help to get access to your whole house?
If you only need a stairlift for a short amount of time or the upfront expense of buying a stairlift seems daunting, the option to rent a stairlift might be the right one for you. Do consider, however, that the cost of renting might actually add up to more than the full price of a stairlift if you end up keeping it for a longer amount of time.
Maybe all you’re looking for is a short-term fix, maybe you’re recovering from an illness or operation and will be back to your old self in a matter of weeks, or maybe a family member is coming to stay and you want them to feel independent in your home. Whatever the reason, we’re ready to give you the solution: the option to rent a stairlift for as long as you need.
Renting a Stannah stairlift
A rental scheme means you get all the benefits of a Stannah stairlift, while paying for it one month at a time. You won’t have to worry about servicing or costs, and when you decide you don’t need it any more we’ll come and remove it.
We try to accommodate you no matter what your personal requirements are. That is why we offer rental and hire options on all our reconditioned stairlifts. We also take care of the servicing and call-out costs for the duration of your rental, which means you get the same assurances of safety, quality and comfort as every other customer.
How does a stairlift rental work?
Renting a stairlift is a quick and easy process. All we need is a one-off payment which covers:
- administration
- installation
- the first 2 months of rental
- removal of the stairlift
Once you’ve made that payment, there will be a set monthly fee for as long as you’d like to keep your lift. You can cancel the agreement at any time and are only committed to one month’s stairlift rent in advance.
Can I buy the stairlift during the rental period?
Yes. Just call us and arrange to have a buyout valuation prepared. An invoice for a one-off payment will be generated meaning that the stairlift will be yours once you’ve paid the full amount.
If you think a rental stairlift is what you need to get your freedom of movement back, call us now to arrange your home visit.